Lights, Camera, Action: Our Leap into Film School in LA

Today, it’s all about diving headfirst about us coming to Los Angeles for film school . Joining me is my good friend and fellow film enthusiast, Maryna, as we unwrap our rollercoaster journey from dreamy aspirations to the gritty reality of wanting to make movies in LA.

Picture this: moving to LA with stars in your eyes, ready to conquer the film world. Sounds glamorous, right? Well, it's not all red carpets and premiere parties. Maryna and I chat about our initial impressions of LA, the excitement, the nerves, and yep, the total culture shock.

Film school.  Those were the days full of endless projects, learning the ropes, and yes, a fair share of drama (both on and off the screen). We dive into what film school was really like, from our first "aha" moments to the sleepless nights before deadlines. It's where we learned to blend creativity with technical skills – and a whole lot of coffee.

From Classroom to Set
Ever wondered what it feels like stepping onto a professional set for the first time? We spill the beans on our post-grad adventures, navigating the vast world of Hollywood. Here’s where "faking it till you make it" became our mantra. Confidence? Had to fake that till we made it too. But boy, were those experiences worth every nerve-wracking moment.

Cultural Quirks
Coming from different corners of the world to LA was, well, interesting. We chat about the little things – from getting used to "how are yous" that aren't really questions to figuring out the Fahrenheit scale. And let’s not forget trying to blend into the Hollywood scene without sticking out like sore thumbs.

Looking Back, Moving Forward
Reflecting on our journey, it’s clear: every challenge, every setback, and yes, every small victory led us here. We share our gratitude for the experiences that shaped us and a glimpse into our hopes for the future in this wild, wonderful world of filmmaking.

Thanks for joining us we shared our leap into LA's film scene. It's been a wild ride, but hey, that's what makes life exciting, right? Stick around for more tales, tips, and maybe a few more tears and triumphs, right here on "Just Fake It! Coming to LA."

Lights, Camera, Action: Our Leap into Film School in LA
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